P.O.W ⚡️

My pears of wisdom for 9th Nov 2017
I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone this week, which has led me to lots of amazing new people. Here’s what I’m loving:
Last night I attended the Thoughtworks Manchester launch event. I learnt about a proof of concept at Manchester Airport, integrating the customer experience to Facebook messenger - want to know your gate, where to park? Ask Facebook messenger. I also learnt about the social investment from Thoughtworks and the Coop - echoing my sentiments of collaboration they are developing using open standards and design frameworks. Making all easy to share. For those non techies, be aware that digitalisation is all around us. If you want to understand more give me a shout.
The deadline has been extended (now 17th Nov) for the 2018 Northern Power Women Awards , I am about to be nominated by Shell. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to simply be nominated. I would urge you to celebrate yourself or your teams and consider nominating. It’s a brilliant celebration of the women we have in the UK.
Through linked in I got connected to Mia Chapman , the original co founder of the UK Girl Geeks movement. Now working for Thoughtworks she is continuing her mission to get more girls in to STEM by supporting multiple startups kicked off by women.
My favourite tool of the week has to be Linkedin. Through simply offering my support I’m now in discussions with Alex Galviz about hosting a Manchester #linkedinlocal event - they’re happening in cities everywhere. Why not Manchester! I know you’d love to come.
Finally, loving the takeup to my new Facebook group The Career Mum - come and join the discussion.
I know we are all busy, but lift your head up from you desk - there’s so much going on on your doorstep and so much to learn!
What I’m not loving this is week:
Data collected from The Wise campaign (women in science and industry) shows us that women make up 23% of those in core STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) occupations in the UK - and this is an improvement! Did you know that coding for example, is affiliated to those who are skilled in languages, often perceived as women. If you’re interested try a coding taster day, google them, there’s some even just for women such as Mums in Technology
Thanks for reading & take care