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P.O.W ⚡️

Pearls of Wisdom 23rd Jan 2018

Here’s what I’m loving this week,

Over on The Career Mum we have been discussing the menopause. I know I know I can hear many cringing and backing off the page. However this taboo effects many - women and inadvertently men. Jayne Harrison  is launching a series of menopause cafes - a place where women can come and discuss and get support. One day, in about 20 years (who knows 😉🤷‍♀️) I may need them too.

The Duke of York inspiring digital enterprise award. Think of it as a digital Duke of Edinburgh perhaps. What a great iDEa !

How many people that I am coming across that are passionately driven to improving STEM education. Some new contacts include Dinah Turner and one I’ve known a while but continue to be inspired by her work, Rav Bumbra

UKFast - I recently took part in a panel on a webinar about 2018 tech trends for them. This will be its own blog - but what an incredible Manchester based company, delivering social investment, helping the local community and EVEN building a Free School! Wow! I’m itching to get back there and talk further. Or even just to sit in their reception! Sadly I didn’t try the helter skelter - maybe next time! 

Jane Johnson and her team fighting the cause of flexible working 3 little words killing talent pipeline

What I’m not loving

I have recently spoke with at least two ladies who have shared their experiences of losing opportunities due to having families. I honestly don’t know what to say on this - we can’t turn back time however I vow to do all I can so my daughter never experiences this in her future. 

Thanks for reading and if you have feedback, join 1700 men and women Globally - you’ll want to join us as we plan for international women’s day.

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