P.O.W ⚡️

Pearls of Wisdom 14th Feb 2018
Here’s what The Career Mum is loving this week;
The huge sign up to my #linkedinlocal Manchester (UK) launch which will take place on the 14th March. If you’re local and haven’t yet got your ticket, sign up quick as myself and my cohosts are expecting a sell out. It’s taking us back to traditional face to face networking and connecting the humans behind the Linkedin profiles
I continue to enjoy the thought provoking challenges bout by the GC Index team - this week they’re talking #ditchthecv - are CVs a one dimensional relic from a bygone era?
Over at The Career Mum we continue to grow. I’m in awe of some of the people and the discussions that we have, from one who has achieved her dreams and is now an astronaut ( Blue Abyss )
to the mum who saught comfort and support after having to go to work leaving a poorly child at home (many of us have been there).
I met Rebecca Taylor and learnt more about what she is delivering with Tech Returners What a fantastic initiative - enabling 8 women in the North, UK to attend an 11 week training course (for free, in partnership with Barclays EagleLab) and come out ready to code and brimming with confidence! I also learnt about her inspiring journey from working in a corporate to becoming an entrepreneur- it can be done.
One of my linkedinlocal cohosts is educating me on the specifics of posting on LinkedIn ( Mark Williams ) did you know, if you make a post more than 3 lines and paste any links in afterwards you are likely to get more views due to the Linkedin algorithm?!
What I’m not loving;
A Masters student has completed a study using 33 years of Danish data. I expect this story is similar all around the world Henrik Klevin - it is missing some variables (such as men who are SAHD or primary careers) however that doesn’t undermine that the impact is significant. How can we resolve this for future generations?
As always, thanks for reading and let me know if you have feedback or comments!