P.O.W ⚡️
Good morning and thanks for coming to this weeks Pearls of Wisdom!
This week I’d like to celebrate some of the knowledge that’s been shared over on The Career Mum and some of the great work that’s being done by others;
We’ve had a discussion around getting more women in to coding and Beckie Taylor’s Tech Returners has connected with John Cleary’s organisation Createk to give work experience placements in particular for women and other under represented groups.
Hannah Ingham has launched The talk scheme which is going from strength to strength - all about connecting people. Take a look.
Trish Keating and Tech Manchester are hosting a free workshop to advise business startups on startup best practise.
Laura Izard has a great blog supporting returners, Come back girl have a browse.
Kirsty Devlin Has launched the great concept of Women who keynote on a mission to get more women speaking at events. If you haven’t signed up - why not?
Lisa Unwin and Deborah Khan have their new book She’s Back in print. A wonderful guide for women returning to work. If you want to know more join their group She’s Back .
Finally, Lee Lam is running a series of vlogs in Journey through the guilt trip. Sensitive and full of insights it’s well worth a look.
Have I missed something that you are doing? Come and tell me.
Thanks for reading.